Thursday, October 3, 2013

Update on Moi

Why hello there!  It's been awhile, I know.  Been sorta busy figuring life out with school starting for T and E and what to do with I and K at home.


Lots and lots of tired.  Actually, I am really tired of being tired.  Why am I tired, you ask?  Well, I'm on round two of my cancer treatments.  I am still getting interferon treatments, just not as much as before.  Now, my awesome and brave husband gives me a shot of interferon 3 times a week (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday).  I still take my rounds of Tylenol and Ibuprofen every two hours b/c we found out quick if I didn't do that, I would become very SICK.  Yuck.

So, I'm getting shots now.  They hurt and the medicine burns going in.  And I get to have this treatment until July of 2014.  Yaaaaaaaaay.

They did warn me that I was going to be tired.  I just didn't know how tired I was going to be.  And I've got muscle fatigue as well.  Which is worse than just being plain 'ol tired.  It's easier to fight through being tired.  Now I have to figure out how to fight through my noodly legs from the fatigue.  Getting everyday house chores done is a total challenge.  I get really excited now when I actually clean the kitchen.  Like really clean it - the way I used to do it.  Like today - I had a burst of energy so I took advantage of it and cleaned my kitchen.  Now, if I could get someone to mop my kitchen floor.  That sounds heavenly.  <sigh>

Jeremy and I realized that this is the new normal for me now until I'm done w/ treatment.  And since we have pretty much come to terms with it, we are finding ways to work around it.  I just sat down with my two oldest, T and E, and explained to them what everyday life is like for me.  I compared it to them having strep or sick with the flu.  You just don't feel well and you just want to sit on the couch and watch Ninjago, Phineas and Ferb and Mythbusters episodes on Netflix all day and sleep in between. They both looked at me and were a little shocked that that was how I was feeling.  After our little talk, they both agreed that they would clean the living room and front closet for me.  My living room is now clean.  So is my front closet.  The closet is even ORGANIZED.  Nice.  My kids are pretty freaking awesome.  And my kitchen and living room are both clean.  Right now.  I am happy.  And tired.  Always tired.

I'm just really grateful for a bestie and a husband who let me complain daily about my tiredness.  Cuz that's one thing I'm really good at now - complaining.  And they let me think aloud constantly on ways I can overcome this fatigue and what I can do for the next year to stay sane!  Seriously.  I'm also grateful for all the prayers sent my way.  From people who I haven't seen since high school and people that I have never met.  It's pretty cool.  So, thank you.  You guys are awesome!

Well, that's it for now.  I'm going to continue being tired, work my way around it somehow and keep on laughing and smiling.  I've heard that laughter is the best medicine.  It's free too.  :)